Thread: Dodgers??
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Old 06-14-2013, 08:02 PM   #4
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Fresno
Posts: 17
The proper speed depends on the dodger. Often the manufacturer will suggest a speed, but regardless you can check for yourself by letting enough line out to submerge the dodger but not so much that you can't see the dodger and hoochie/bait. Position your rod so you can see the dodger and hoochie while paddling and try various speeds to see how they affect the action. You want the dodger and hoochie to dart back and forth in an appealing fashion. If the dodger starts rolling, you are paddling too fast. It might make sense to try dodgers of different shapes, to see which has the best action at a speed you are comfortable paddling with. Good luck, and let us know how it turns out. The dodger hoochie combo can definitely work in SD bay.

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