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Old 06-13-2013, 09:16 AM   #12
phreshwon's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: O.C.
Posts: 36
Pack some ground tackle when you go out there. I used to do a week long vacation there with the yak and got caught up in some nasty wind and current. I once had a lightning bolt strike the island on the east end 75 yards from me. There is not a lot of beach to land on in most areas. Get in 50ft of water which is like 20ft off the beach and drop anchor and rest.

I have caught alot of YT and seen some of the biggest schools of YT around the Frog Rock area. They can be VERY finicky. I once had a school of feeding YT all around me that i was throwing live squid at. They would not touch it. They were feeding on schools of smelt. The next day i sabikied up some smelt off the Mole and it was game on.

If anyone is looking at going there for a week or so and want to take their own yak call Catalina Flying Boats in Long Beach. It's been a couple of years since i bought a boat but it's like 35 or 40 cents a pound to ship your kayak one way. I would pick it up in town on Monday and send it back on Saturday before they closed. Just ship the yak and not your tackle to minimize cost.
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