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Old 06-13-2013, 01:01 AM   #5
Whizz Bang
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Compared to the last few days, tomorrow will be bigger. 2-3 feet with the wind adding on top of that. If you plan on getting off the water early, you are good. Is it doable, of course. However, I am not a fan of short interval sets if I have a choice. Friday the swell continues and then tapers off.


I live 35 minutes from LJ, quite a bit closer than you I believe. I have two small children, and I am active duty military. I spend almost as much time away as I am home. Some of that time has actually been spent dodging bullets, not drywall, deeds, dry-erase boards, debutantes, or whatever it is that you do (no offense, I really don't care either). When I fish during the week day, I use a vacation day, you might care about that, considering your tax dollars pay for it, thank you for that.

My point stands. I would rather take a day during the week when possible, than cut my weekend in half and lose that time with my family. This is compounded by the fact that I do not enjoy having my lines ran over by twin four-stroke Yamahas a dozen times or so in the desperate search for the elusive solitary school of YT that is not running scared for their lives.

Cough, cough, snivel, snivel, I suggest you call in sick. Summer time, you got to love it.
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