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Old 06-11-2013, 02:36 PM   #1
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Catalina...6/7/2013...long w/pic

This is my first report here. My reports are somewhat detailed, so the reader can feel they are there with me. Also I like to provide information for anyone who wants to explore the area that I have been.
The last time that I was in Avalon, I stayed an extra day to go on a kayaking adventure.>>
However, I was very tired from fishing long hours for four (4) days and it was windy when I was at the kayak rental stand. >>
Therefore; I made a decision to fish the Mole and return another time and try it. I figured I would be fresh and rested at 8:00 AM and could do a full day of kayaking followed >>
by an all-night fishing followed by another full day of fishing.>>
Thus the following outing report.>>
Saturday Jun 7th, 2013. >>
As usual I was the first in line at the Catalina Express terminal in Long Beach. The boat was maybe ¼ full, and the ride a smooth one. Met with some anglers that were going to the island. >>
The trip went fast while I was giving the information about fishing the area. They were gone by the time I got back so I did not see how they did. They were going to fish the rock quarry.>>
I setup two rods and put on waders, life jacket and the VHF radio. The rest of the gear such as water, a sandwich, tackle container, rod leashes, etc. was put in a dry bag.>>
I stored my cart in a storage area that is run by father and son. I had made friends with the son and had given him fish in the past. He only charged me $5.00 to store the cart until I got back.>>
I walked over the kayak rental housing and got on the way at 9:00 AM. >>
They had only two fishing kayaks that were Ocean Kayak I believe. I am not comfortable yet with sitting side ways on the kayak to reach for items in back of me. >>
Thus, I put the bag of gear on my legs and it was heavy with sinkers, and other items.>>
It felt great and it was a new view and surroundings that I had not experienced since I started to go to Avalon for fishing in 2006.>>
Side note….During the summer I plan to do practice getting on the kayak in the water and turning around; as well as getting in the water and trying to get back into the kayak >>
with an empty kayak to see how it is done. >>
A shallow area in the Redondo Harbor is the plan.>>
Back to kayaking/fishing>>
The overcast skies provided a cool morning to do paddling, but it got sunny on the way back.>>
1—The water looked calm and if you notice the flag to the left of the picture, there was hardly any wind.>>
One rod was setup with a 3” weedless swimbait and I was trolling outside of the dive park to the north of the Casino.>>
2—This is Descanso Beach to the north of the Casino.>>
There are kayaks there (see yellow dots on the left side of the picture). I will find out more about them and add to this report later.>>
I kept trolling and sightseeing and having a good time not knowing what was ahead in the cards.>>
3—The Hamilton Cove. An upscale condo complex. >>
I had heard about some good fishing areas are in the Cove.>>
4—This area between Descanso Beach and Hamilton Cove looks very fishy.>>
5-There is a small pier connected to the dock. The Water Taxi will take the residents to the Green Pleasure Pier via water.>>
I saw a yellow cast-a-bubble hanging from the rope connected to the dock, it was not hard to cut the line and pick it up. Then I saw another one on the north side pilling of the pier. >>
As I approached it the waves hit me against the pilling and I had to get out of there. I cut the line, but the bubble fell in the water. >>
As I did a little struggle getting the kayak under control and trying to pick the bubble from the water I heard a noise. I turned and saw one rod in the water only held on by the >>
rod leash. It must have hit the pier pilling and pulled out of rod holder.>>
This is a second time that I have hit a pier pilling with my rods while kayaking. I keep forgetting the fact that the rods stick out. >>
Kind a like the head antennas of Ray Walston in the TV series…..MY favorite Martian.>>
If you know what I mean, I am sorry to say that you are old. >>
6-Looks like at one time there was a boat lunch area here.>>
By now I had lost my swimbait to kelp and had a single hook rig in the water with bait.>>
When the clicker went off zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, I was glad to have my first fish kayaking in Catalina.>>
It turned out to be an Ocean whitefish. I put a line through the gills and put the fish back in the water.>>
7—I decided to explore areas such as this more completely on the way back.>>
8—Great beach to fish, but I don’t see any access to it from land. Only from the water side.>>
9—This rock is called the “Frog Rock” I believe. I went waaay north of this. On the way back it became the first goal to reach!!>>
It had been 2.5 hours since I was in the kayak paddling. The wind started to pick up, so I decided it was time to go back and fish the areas that I had seen.>>
Well, now this is when the fun ends and the hard work and pain starts. The Ocean kayak felt like a cast iron bath tub with an anchor dragging behind it.>>
I was battling the waves and the wind for FOUR (4) hours WITHOUT any rest more than a few seconds to keep from floating backwards.>>
The seat in the kayak was noting compare to a decent seat. My buns, knees and ankles were getting cramps. I had water and sandwich, but I could not take time to eat or drink >>
in fear of losing grounds.>>
To rub salt in my wounds, other kayakers with either a better kayak or tandem were passing me by like I was standing still.>>
10—Finally back. That dock looked so good. Beyond words.>>
There is no kidding with the Pacific Ocean. It can turn on you in nothing flat.>>
11—It was a lot of hard work for that one fish. Once I realized that I had a battle on my hand, I reeled in the rig and stopped trolling and fishing altogether. Thus, only one fish.>>
I was so tired that I could not tuck my legs under me to sit up. Having had little sleep during the night before getting up at 4:00 AM to get to Long Beach did not help the matters either.>>
I literally rolled on my stomach and even kissed the mat. Glad to be off that thing. >>
12—My first fish (Ocean Whitefish) caught while kayaking in Catalina.>>
In conclusion; if I do it again, I will not go anything pass the Hamilton Cove. I could have gone toward the Pebbly Beach and to the south of the Mole and come back with wind on my back.>>
However, One cannot always know which direction the wind is going to below in the future.>>
If the Descanso Beach resort has fishing kayaks for rent, I may go from there. It is a bit of a walk from the Mole, but I rather to be on land than in the water with high winds. >>
At least I would not have the waves to deal with, and I could even get a taxi to Descanso Beach and back if I really wanted to.>>
To be continued at at the pier and shore fishing message board.>>
Sorry about the arrows. I don’t know why they appear and how to prevent them on this board.>>
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