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Old 06-03-2013, 09:34 PM   #2
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Check with your airline for oversize luggage requirements. They usually have rules, and calculate the size on how wide + long + tall your oversize package is. Depending on what category you fit in, they charge you extra. Definitely check your airline website, or give them a call.

When traveling, I usually take no longer than 7 ft one piece rods. I always bring one or two 2 piece 9 ft rods for fishing from the beach. I carry then in one of those plastic rod cases, like this one

I picked one up in Squidco long time ago. I never had any problems with it. I wrap my rods with my fishing shirts to protect guides form banging... And then I put a whole bunch of stuff inside (gaff, game clip, pouches with jigs, tackle, pliers). Works out good.

I wrap the reels in bubble wrap and put it in my bags that I check in.

Look up the places that rent kayaks, I'm sure there are some in Bahamas. I always bring the "travel" seat with 2 rodholders on the back. Not ideal, but it makes a world of difference

Don't count on finding kayak rigged for fishing that you can rent; recreational ones are not a problem. You're lucky if they have the eyelets to clip your seat on to.

Inshore, you'll probably have a bunch of small fish to play with... Snappa! Good eats, and fun.
Bring gulp worms!
They pro'ly have barracuda inshore - bring wire leaders.

Have fun!
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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