Thread: Bigfish Bonanza
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Old 07-10-2007, 01:23 PM   #7
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 45

Regretfully we have to cancel the big fish division for Saturday's event. This is due to a near complete lack of participation with fewer than 10 anglers signed up at this time.

We will, however, sponsor a big fish "winner take all" jackpot event for those who are signed up currently if they do not wish to change course and fish the Bass division. Additionally, any walkups that want to fish the big fish division will be given this option as well and we will post this everywhere we can to let it be known as much as possible.

Personally I'm very sorry it's come to this but we can't, in good conscience, hold sponsors to their commitments of prizes when there are only 8 people competing for them. It's not fair to them and won't help promote the good relationships that we want for our sport.

OEX has stepped up and offered to contribute their prizes as promised for our Bass division and they will be on site at the party as well to show off some cool new stuff. We appreciate their support - Brent and his crew are a class act all the way. (Thanks guys!)

Again, I apologize for this - it's not something we like to do at all. Please join us this Saturday to fish the calicos and have some great barbecue where there will be NO MORE HAMBURGERS! Carne asada all the way.

We've got good volunteers but can always use more - if anyone wants to work a weigh boat with us we could use a pair of hands there. Otherwise all systems are set to roll - see you Saturday!

-Drew & Paul
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