Thread: WSB South OC
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Old 05-12-2013, 06:46 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by CalicoCody View Post
I actually got a late start too... slept thru my alarms

I paddled out past the bait barge and thought to myself "should I buy bait?" and I said "nah I will find it and make it myself" well after an hour of looking for bait and nothing more than a few pinhead anchovies flipping around on the top of the water, I went out to deep water... I have never tried metering for rockfish... do they show up well on the sonar or are they difficult to make out since they are so far down/close to the structure? Looked around there for another hour or so, swell started picking up and I decided to head in because I thought being out there solo was asking for trouble in a building swell. Didn't even bother to fish the harbor since I neglected to bring my plastic setup/lighter gear. Paddled in and headed for home. Off the water by noon-ish.

yak and gear are still on my car... contemplating fishing Cabrillo tomorrow since it's closer and I have more experience fishing that harbor.
Barge only had dines there were a lot of macs at the mouth in the middle. I zig zacked 120-180 feet for about an hr and didn't see a single fish on the FF. A few PB showed up the left within 10 minuets. Fished the kelp beds for about three hours for nada then decided to have some fun and switched to small hooks and hooked up a few dozen randome reef fish. At around 1 I head in to the harbor and fished for about another hour. Landed a few short calico on plastic and got a Hali hit trolling a dine but no hookup; it bit the dine in half.
Yellow PA12
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