Thread: WSB South OC
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Old 05-11-2013, 04:56 PM   #1
CalicoCody's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Lakewood, California
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Originally Posted by Raskal311 View Post
Sorry bro, my buddy called last night and wanted to join so I didn't make it to kids beach until 6:45. Had to pack his gear on my truck. I called out on 71 at 7:00am and 8:00am and got no responds. How did you do? Landed a few short sand bass. Went out to the shelf and didn't see a single fish on the ff.
I actually got a late start too... slept thru my alarms

I paddled out past the bait barge and thought to myself "should I buy bait?" and I said "nah I will find it and make it myself" well after an hour of looking for bait and nothing more than a few pinhead anchovies flipping around on the top of the water, I went out to deep water... I have never tried metering for rockfish... do they show up well on the sonar or are they difficult to make out since they are so far down/close to the structure? Looked around there for another hour or so, swell started picking up and I decided to head in because I thought being out there solo was asking for trouble in a building swell. Didn't even bother to fish the harbor since I neglected to bring my plastic setup/lighter gear. Paddled in and headed for home. Off the water by noon-ish.

yak and gear are still on my car... contemplating fishing Cabrillo tomorrow since it's closer and I have more experience fishing that harbor.
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