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Old 05-07-2013, 06:50 AM   #8
Here fishy fishy fishy...
addicted2sp33d's Avatar
Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 774
Thanks for all the suggestions guys... we checked the weather and decided it would be best to go to the protected waters of Dixon Reservoir.

I'm not sure how windy it was elsewhere, but it was a beautiful sunny day with a light breeze at Dixon. Unfortunately that's where the good stuff ends.

The lake was definitely alive. We could sight-fish Bass and Trout in almost every location where we stopped. There were quite a few monster trout that looked like they would weigh in close to 10 lbs. There were also quite a few chunky Bass of that size as well.

Unfortunately, none of them were in an eating mood... not even for real nightcrawlers, let alone artificials or powerbait. We even managed to tap several of them on the forehead with lead-heads to no avail. I poked a passing trout with my rod as it swam-by. If only I had a spear-tip on my rod, I could have gone home with a nice 7-8lb trout.

All day, they just cruised around, occasionally putting on a jumping display around our boat, but no action of any kind. If I didn't know better, I would swear they were taunting us.

We were not alone in our predicament... no-one else caught anything except one guy who managed to snag a tiny trout from one of the docks. The cleaning stations were absolutely spotless.

We admitted defeat around 3:30P and decided to go home and BBQ instead.

At least we were outdoors and made some Vitamin D.
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