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Old 04-25-2013, 08:14 PM   #81
bus kid
Team Keine Zugehörigkeit
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Originally Posted by PAL View Post
Stone's action - apparently without serious thought or consideration - is systematic of the problem "consumptive" outdoorsmen and women face. The knee jerk signing onto a feel-good message has an impact and corresponding consequences.

Stone realized a positive PR bump from MLPA proponents. Stone's name, compiled with others who jumped on board the closure train without thinking it through (save the ocean? sure), carried political weight that damaged our cause, contributing to the vast and unreasonable closures in Laguna and Malibu, and the La Jolla encirclement. Stone saying they didn't mean it is too little, too late. The damage is done.

I experienced the rigged kangaroo court (or kabuki if you like) political theater of the MLPA from way too close. I'm not ready to forgive or forget. I vote with my dollars. None of them will ever flow Stone's way.

One more note: a lot of kayak anglers and free divers gave up dozens and even hundreds of precious hours of free time to preserve coastal access. La Jolla would have been closed without the effort. WE made it politically impossible to shut down the north kelp. Every other user group that still enjoys access to LJ has our combined grassroots efforts to thank. If you weren't around for that nightmare, it may be difficult to understand the passion and anger the topic ignites.
Amen, Thank you Paul again for the Hard work.

stone, still

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