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Old 07-01-2007, 10:02 PM   #2
nunyabizness1's Avatar
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Originally Posted by fishindan View Post
Hi everyone -
I just lost a rod this morning at LJ shores when I got DUMPED by those waves - 4 to 6 feet and coming fast. As new to this whole sport, I obviously don't have the entrance/exits mastered yet - and I thought it was easy. . . ouch. I lost it in about 4 to 5 feet of water somewhere just left of center of the launch. It's a 7 ft. Diawa rod with a Penn 320GT2 reel and red Spectra line - and it's brand new, not even a fish scale on it yet. Any help or suggestions in how I could find it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Hey Dan... I think you were the one I talked to this morning after you got tossed. It was definitely BRUTAL out there today. Very dangerous! BRUTAL! From the water, we could hear the lifegards make announcements of the rip currents too. On my return, another yakker and I decided the waves were too dangerous to ride in and so we held the back of our yaks to ride in the water. A huge wave snapped it from my hand and my yak was literally airborne and did a cartwheel, crashed down and the next wave sent it into a second airborne cartwheel. I was tossed around behind it watching it between waves crashing around me. There were no break between sets! There were a couple of guys on the beach running into the water and pulling people and yaks out and one grabbed my yak while the other found my paddle. I thought the launch was crazy enough! I found a lot of stuff washed up on the beach from the non-stop people crashing. I didn't see your rod but hopefully like I told you, to post here and someone would let you know if they found it.

Even while we were out on the water, way out there, we had huge rolling waves the entire time. It was crazy! Took me most of the day to get rid of the sea legs feeling.

Hope you find your rod and continue to keep trying with the yak. You were getting clobbered by those waves today and even some of the experienced yakkers I talked to out there turned around and left without launching. I'm surprised my yak is not a pile of splinters right now! Way to go Malibu X-factor!!!

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