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Old 04-05-2013, 08:21 PM   #7
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I think a bigger factor for catching halibut is where you are are fishing, rather than what rig you are fishing with.

Halibut move more than people give them credit for. Try different depths. I've caught them from about 100ft deep, as shallow as 5 feet. As mentioned previously, they are ambush predators. Bait fish like the structure, halibut like the sandy flat bottom, but they need to eat the bait fish. Concentrate on fishing the sandy bottom areas near structure. These will be the areas that the halibut will wait to ambush the stray baitfish that strays too far away from the structure. When halibut fishing, I always try to locate structure fist, then find the flat bottom nearby.

Last edited by steveooo; 04-05-2013 at 09:53 PM.
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