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Old 03-25-2013, 05:44 PM   #18
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Torrance, CA
Posts: 51
In answer to the question of how to make a turks head. I googled and youtube'd how to do the Turks head, and after a little practice I was able to put it together.
As far as the the loop goes, some things I learned from trial and error.
*the loop should be put in the knot once the knot had been formed and before the knot is tightened down.
*put the loop in at the starting point, (once tightened, it is impossible to put a loop in the formed knot)
*make sure to turn the Turks head loop towards the back side of the rod (again before the knot is tightened down). Once the turks head is tightened down it is nearly impossible to move.
Hope this helps,
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