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Old 03-23-2013, 11:05 AM   #2
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I have landed them for friends, and had friends land mine. So I thought I could do it alone. Never was nervous until the shark came to color and I was realizing what I was about to do without another boater in site. My initial plan was gill stab it but being on a kayak trying to get a good thrust deep into a shark and not stab yourself or your kayak is a little dangerous. I Used my gaff to repeatedly stab his gills.

Every shark is going to act differently though, you have to be on your toes with these things, and prepared for anything. Basic idea, stab his gills, get a roap on his tail. If you want to release him, you should be able to get a grab on his tail, cut the line close as you safely can, and let her go. Look up videos on youtube, theres a ton of them and you can watch a few of our guys here do it. As Long as you don't peddle a hobie, you can roll the shark into the kayak (head away of course!) and paddle in with him. You can also throw a rope around him to secure him in. You will NOT be able to paddle in with a shark behind you. Head towards the front hatch tail under your arm. Make sure his head is beyond your feet and watch out for those random snap of the jaws.

And of course, don't forget to post when you'd like to go chase them, I'm sure someone (me!) would be willing to go with!
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