Thread: Big threshers?
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Old 03-22-2013, 08:15 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by monkeyfishturds View Post
I'll put away my zebco plastic spool and......
Thanks for all that intelligent info

Actually you have my sincere thanks Mike for resurrecting this thread.

What a difference a year makes.

In the last year I've learned a lot more about Pat as a person and his fishing abilities. I have no doubt he could teach me a thing or two when it comes to fishing Iron, and certainly about La Jolla in general. You know how it is sometimes you just get off on the wrong foot, and with all the trolls, stalkers and other nut cases on the web it's sometimes hard to tell exactly who you are dealing with when you've never met someone before. Not only do I not have any hard feelings towards him but honestly respect the man, and unfortunately I can't say that about everyone.

In that light I went through and edited some of my posts in this thread. I'm not going to say graphite bodied TLDs are appropriate tackle for adult thresher sharks because they certainly are not made for Big Game but I did take the time to go back and remove some of the stuff where I was giving Pat a hard time.

As to Adult T Sharks.... Well they have come through every year since I've been fishing here with the majority of the big ones always showing up in May. This year if I'm here I will target them and my goal is to put a full sized adult over three hundred on my smaller skiff fishing solo. A personal best would be icing on the cake, and if I don't get one it sure as hell will be fun trying, which is kind of the whole point anyway.

Tight lines and good fishing to you all, Jim

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 03-22-2013 at 09:51 AM.
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