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Old 06-22-2007, 09:42 PM   #1
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
6/19 LJ caught nothing

Short version:
Caught absolutely nothing.

Long version:
I didn't report this earlier, but last Tuesday I fished the south kelp off
Horseshoe area, 85-90'. Current started light from the SW and the bait
was packed up just outside kelp, upcurrent from the kelp line. Tons of big
spanish macks were easy to catch in the area.

I fished at least 20 big spanish mackerel in about 2 hours, without landing
a fish. Was getting bit every 2 - 5 minutes, fish pulling line like big fish
Rig was a 3 oz slider and various hooks including circles and Js ...

Seemed like the bait was being consistently grabbed and held behind the
head like a seal-hold, as evidenced in the couple cases where I got
mangled bait back. I kept letting 'em eat it longer and longer, mostly to no

At some point, I got something hooked solid on a circle, but broke 25#
topshot in the kelp. Later, finally hooked another on a desperado treble
trap hook rig, and got freight-trained again deep into the kelp on 30#
before breaking a treble off the trap hook.

Still not sure what was going on there, but I swear there were no seals or
sea lions around. Many theories swirled in my head thru the day
a) humboldt squid
b) sharks
c) yellows playing, not eating
d) f'n smart wsb's
e) some new furbag tomfoolery
f) divers f'n around with a kayaker
g) space aliens and illuminati conspiracy

I remember the same thing happening a couple years ago, going thru tank
after tank of macks. Whatever. Gotta love this sport.
Larry. Hobie Revolution 13.
25 years of kayak fishing La Jolla.
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