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Old 03-01-2013, 07:18 AM   #1
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The most important fish of a lifetime.

I can’t remember the first fish I ever caught. I was long over fifty years ago, and so many milestones have been forgotten.

I can’t remember ever thinking any fishing trip sucked, including the ones where I caught no fish or got so seasick I couldn’t stand up.

I do have a vivid memory my first store bought fishing pole. It was purchased in Greenville, Kentucky at the Nickel and Dime store when I was eight years old. I can still clearly see it in my mind. It was a cane pole with red and white stripes painted on it, medal sleeves so it could break down into three sections, a short piece of mono line, a wood float, a split shot sinker and small hook. I’m sure it cost a whole nickel. The cane pole did not last long in the hands of an overactive eight year old boy, and no fish were ever caught on that pole.

The reason I remember this so well was because a few days after the pole was purchased, my dad was took my older brother and me fishing for the first time. He wasn’t a fisherman, but he knew we wanted to go fishing. We drove Kentucky Lake and rented a boat. He conferred with the man at the boat rental on the basics of fishing so he could help us. I still clearly remember the details of that day. To keep it short we fished, cruised around, went swimming, and just hung out as guys do.

Why am I writing this? A short time ago I was talking with my grown son and daughter about their first fishing trip. They expressed how exciting it was, while I remembered how proud I was when they caught the first fish. When I look back on what I’ve accomplished over the years I find those fish are more important to me than the largest fish I’ve caught. I relive those feelings every time someone posts a fish report with pictures of smiling kids, and a proud dad. To you guys, Thank You!

Those with kids don’t miss out, take your kids fishing this week, you’ll never regret it. Hey, how about posting a few pics.

If you don’t have kids or you want more of that feeling I encourage you to support “the Friends of Rollo” to give kids a chance that cannot otherwise get to fish.

Thanks for listening.
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