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Old 02-22-2013, 06:21 AM   #9
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Salsa steamed rockfish

This ones a no brainer, like me

Rockfish fillets
One onion
One red pepper, one yellow pepper, half poblano optional but recommended
One tub of Chachies medium salsa or salsa of choice

Chop and sauté the poblano first it takes the longest
When it starts to soften a little add the onion, cook until the onion is translucent
Add the the two bell peppers and sauté until they get heated through, I like them to have some texture so don't cook too long
With the tub of salsa, let it get to room temperature before using, it will get hot faster
Add the salsa to the pepper and onion mix and heat it until it just starts to bubble
At this point add the fillets and cover, knowing when they are done depends on the type of fillet and size, use your best judgement

This all gets served over rice from my rice cooker (if you don't have one get one, best kitchen appliance) I prefer basmati for this
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