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Old 02-06-2013, 05:29 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by rhyak View Post
PS if no one knew there is probably Halibut in the Port of LA.
what he said ^ cant believe i have gotten shit for posting my first YT on a yak, sad how territorial everyone is, these fish have been around much longer than us and they will continue to, many many people pop off, break off or simply cant figure out how to get a bite, and 1 fish out of the masses isn't going to hurt anything. Sad how such a fun recreation that you want to share your success with others becomes so secretive and QQ. This isn't the first year there have been winter home gaurd catches? . There are few out there, that remember how exhilarating it was to get their first, that want to see the same feeling passed on to someone else, that spark. Sadly for the majority its an ego issue and they are the only ones that are supposed to catch YT and not post about it. Since i joined this site, i dont think there has been a single month where i didnt see at least 1 YT report on here, and the best/hardest fishing fisherman still continue to catch tons of YT, while us newer to the sport of big game yak fishing slowly learn and try to catch up, so whats the big deal? I know a bunch of those private boaters turn out to be disrespectful panzies that can ruin it for us, but just because you know where the fish are doesnt mean your going to put one in the boat, those guys that think they know what they are doing and disrespect the sport will fail and lose steam chasing fish like this. I could understand if someone was posting pics with 8 40lb fish that we all know some of which will go to waste. Just dont waste the resource, keep what you can eat and share your knowledge with those that are less experienced. Just my 2c.
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