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Old 06-11-2007, 10:07 PM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: San Diego
Posts: 4
This is something I posted on another kayak fishing board. This is only my opinion, but it reflects how I feel about this sad incident.

Hi all,

While I'm new here on this board (and new to the area period--being that I just moved to San Diego/Poway only a few weeks ago), let me offer this perspective. I've been a spearfisherman for over 10 years, and a kayaker even longer--a veteran of many week-long expeditions, including quite a few with Ed Gillett (of Hawaii kayak crossing fame, when he was still running Southwest Kayaks). I also kayak fish, but not as much as I do spearing from kayaks.

I realize that this incident is making all spearfishers look bad, and although I, as a spearo, may be the last person you want to hear from, I'd like to offer my view nevertheless.

While I'm only speaking for my ineloquent self, what I observe is that this incident is causing huge concern and outrage among spearfishers. This is reported on a number of threads on some spearfishing boards

Every single spearfisherman I know wants nothing more than for this guy to get caught. What he did was reprehensible, and no responsible spearo condone or tolerate this behavior.

The current trend in the spearo community and the attitude of the vast majority of spearos I know is to practice restraint in our spearing. We do it when we are by ourselves, and we especially practice restraint when diving with others due to peer pressure. Many of us spend the whole day diving not taking a fish, bypassing fish-after-fish as we simply enjoy our day in the water with friends while searching for the right type of fish, with the right size (not necessarily or alway have to be the largest).

We know how fisherman, spearing or hook&line, are under attack for the love of our sport and this incident does not help. I want, as much as you do, for this guy to get caught and be punished. He hurts us all.

Finally, I hope the OP reports this incident to DFG and they can bring this guy to justice. That's something I believe all spearos and kayakfishers want as well.

Joe in Poway.
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