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Old 01-29-2013, 08:24 AM   #1
Senior Member
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looks like a cake walk ( lj 1 / 28 )

looks pretty rough on cam rite now . i was on open water yesterday . the only @$$ crazy enough to go out . reports said 2 - 3 . when i arrived which was around 8 am . definitely 2 -3 . launching is the easy thing write ? i did well except i left the center hatch open. luckily i didn't screw around in the surf very long . got pounded a few times , kept the yak straight , and punched through with the help of peddles . i usually double check every hatch , but failed this day. maybe in due to a distraction while unloading . couple of passer bye's wanted to take my picture in case i made the news . after i got out of surf i decided to check hatch , which is when i noticed it was open . i looked inside and saw about 1.5 - 2 gallons inside . grabbed my sponge , which was not working fast enough . grabbed my pump which made short work . made my way to the grounds to try and fish . swells were at lest 8 - 10 . maybe more . way to rough to even think about fishing . saw some beautiful stuff. whales breaching close inshore , maybe to seek protection? that was the last thing i needed. a whale to capsize me . so i tried to stay far away. dolphins chasing bait 30 feet away when it exploded on the surface , hundreds of fowl following . what an awesome thing watching it explode out of nowhere right next to me . it is almost dangerous when the pelicans are diving at such a close proximity with only one thing on mind. did manage to hook some sacs . looks like it may be a good spring. . lost my breakfast after holding on for so long . since fishing was the farthest thing on my mind and it was mainly about survival , i decided to head in . on the way in i finally saw some peps making it out . it was insane watching them launch . 2 tandems and one solo instructor . they did very well keeping it straight . winds started to kick up which foiled their plans of heading to open water . maybe about 20 knts . after sitting just outside the danger zone for about 1 hour now i decided i had to do what i had to do . packed rods inside , stripped down to just about nothing . and went for it . the surf 5 + on the big sets .i back peddle on on the first but caught the second one . i managed not to wipe out. since i was just about crapping my pants i was not concentrating on the small ones . i should have slowed it down . one finally did me in. nothing lost . overall a new learning experience .
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