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Old 01-27-2013, 05:47 PM   #13
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A great day....if a little rough

Met up with the boys around 6am, had our DOUG NUTS and coffee.

Mad scramble to the bait barge for ..........stupid little chovies?!?!?! WTF?

Many people decided not to get bait...since WE were hunting for the BIG one

Went outside and were welcomed by pretty rough "washing machine" conditions. We are stubborn, dedicated and a little nutz so many of us went to Headlands. The smart ones stayed by the beach...

Pretty slow fishing for most of us. Yes, many of us got into a couple Sanbass, calicos and even sculpin.... but not the big ones.

Later in the morning there was a rumor of someone hooking up a WSB......all the kayaks propmptly turned and started haulin arse at the "alleged" fish catcher...... Just a rumor..

A few minutes later we hear Roby mumble something about a halibut on the radio. It was really, really hard to understand Roby today....he always sounded like he had somthing in his mouth or was sucking on something.... OH, wait....Roby a long time member of the Sewer crew, decided to become a trader and fished team Lollipop. I guess that explains the treats in his mouth and the messed up speech.

Roby did end up catching a very nice 18 pound hali. the only legal Hali for the day.

A half hour later we hear Greg on the radio talking about some T shark he was hooked into. At least half the people started praying instantly...."Please God, let Greg land this fish and let it be bigger than Roby's hali".......

Well, God listens to TEAM SEWER. Greg landed, got video of and promptly released about a 30 pound pup T shark. Ain't taking it home but it gets 30 points!!!!!!!

Now comes the fun part. The almost two hour paddle back in very crappy, windy conditions back. By the time we all got back, we were wiped.

If anyone sees Tony (ful-rack.....ask him what the little lever on his reel is for...)

A quick trip for a bite to eat and on the road we go.

I had a great time, got to fish with some friends and made a few new buddies. Thanks to all that came out.

Stayed tuned for PART 2 LJ in APRIL....WSB time......DRAKE and Team Lollipop promised to deliver an ass whoopin of EPIC proportions.

Last edited by StinkyMatt; 01-27-2013 at 05:52 PM.
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