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Old 01-14-2013, 12:43 PM   #1
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anyone ever hook something they didnt want. ( lj 1 /12 )

i arrived to high tide and surf about 2 - 3.5 ' . just like the reports had indicated. 3 others were also unloading. after making it out , i made bait . i was using a mac on the dropper. i was fishing and decided to relocate. so i reeled up. my mac was hanging down about 20 or 30 feet. all of a sudden i feel a thump. i said to myself this is it. another thump and it was on like honky kong. the reel was screaming , 75 - 100 yards came off like nothing. i buttoned down the lever drag to max , and almost flipped when i turned sideways . at first i was thinking yellowtail since i was in middle of water column. but the line was running towards the horizon. thresher ? then it left the water a couple times. it was gray and white and 200 lbs. i am being towed at an alarming rate . i stick my feet in water to brace and create more drag. my reel was set to about 12 pounds , more than enough drag on kayak ,catching the ussual suspects. this was not one of em. . i am half way down the hub , by now the drag should be getting tighter , to no effect . i turned the handle a couple times and gained a foot or two , and this just pissed the creature off . line is stiil screaming off . my knife is near my chest . at this time i start seeing all these dophins next to me busting the surface and encircling me . i did not see them around at the initial hook up so i didn't think . could it be ? these creature are smart , and they knew i had something to do with the pain and suffering their family member was having . do i really want to play this out , possibly have the rod and kayak yanked out from under neath me ? or risk injury to animal . so i did what i had to do and cut the line with about 50 yards remaining . i hope things turn out ok for the dolphin. mean while he has a 6 ounce lead hanging behind him , a hole in his lip , and 450 yards of spectra trailing. so i paddle back to the zone and do some more fishing. i caught one nice rockfish , three sanddabs which were all released . i also had three bites . two were while the rod was in holder which i never saw or felt . one of the baits was raked , the other crushed or bruised in belly . and the other missed strike i had the rod in hand . i thought it was a dog , becuase it hit that hard with a popping. i reeled up quickly and he struck again. no teeth marks but his head looked crushed. no sure . i think they were all haliubuts . any opions ? that primarily made up the day so i made the paddle in to low tide. tight lines everyone.
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