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Old 01-13-2013, 08:55 AM   #15
packeryakker's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Victorville
Posts: 61
Corona can be a litte dicey with the yaks, my son and I went out on 1-6 and rented a boat. Same BS on the water with other boaters. We did however happen to be in the right place at the right time and rescue a father and son team when they flipped their boat. Dad was a non-swimmer and son was barely better. We got there in time and pulled them both in the boat. Neither were wearing a PFD and dad was going down when we got there. We were happy we were close enough to get them out of the water and safely to shore. It was pretty cold and they were both dressed for it = heavy when wet. Lesson, if you cant swim or are a marginal swimmer please wear a PFD, that situation could have been ugly. Be safe!
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