Thread: wow!!!
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Old 01-07-2013, 02:32 PM   #22
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Well, i guess no one knows better than me in BWE about Hong Kong and shark fin soup, i myself born in HK and grew up there until 13 years old and came to LA.

When i was kid, i had shark fin soup quiet often, maybe twice a year, usually when wedding banquet, or family member birthday dinners, but other than that, we usually don't eat shark fin soup, but really, back then no one really think about how or who killed the shark, it just a soup, no different with chicken or beef soup, is expensive because is shark.

Not until recent years, media start to bringing up this issue, internet is easy to access worldwide, then i started to know how shark was killed, and how much money people made for these shark fin.

Anyway, a lot of Chinese ppl in HK or China, starting to notice the issue, and their media also talked about it, some big Chinese restaurant also stop selling shark fin soup, the only way to stop this is to education people, a lot of people just don't know the truth story about shark fin soup, most of them stop eating shark fin soup once they found out the true story behind it, including myself, and the ones that do the catching usually occur in South American or Africa, they basically just do it because of money.

So if you hate me because i am Chinese or i am from HK, i haven't eat shark fin soup for many years, and i never will again...
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