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Old 10-07-2012, 09:19 PM   #1
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HH Sunday 10-07-12

The tide did not look too promising for good water movement but the weather did look good for a
beautiful day out.

Got a few spotted bay bass here and there.

However, it was slow enough that I decided to entertain Kaya with a school of little Sargo.

While I was fiddling around with these fiesty little guys, I had cast a big spinner blade out and it was just
sitting there on the bottom. Then I noticed the line slowly tightening up. Realizing it might just be a bunch
of eelgrass, I gave a good swing anyway and was surprised to see this spotted bay bass splashing
around at the surface. Once he figured out what was going on, down he headed. We managed to bring
him up for a photo.

Here Kaya is christening this little Calico "future Toad".

We finally ended the day on this guy who was sitting beneath a school of little smelt.

Yep, it was a beautiful day for a paddle.
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