Thread: LJ 10/22 AM
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Old 10-22-2005, 07:42 PM   #15
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Okay, here's the report. Launched at gray light into ankle slappers. Out towards the pier I discovered that they have put out a new buoy, much further north than I previously thought the reserve line was. Found perfect greenies a little deeper off the pier. Loaded up on a few too many and headed to the scene of Wednesday's heartbreak.

Bait all over on the way up. Start drifting with two baits down. Immediately catch a decent sized sand bass, then a decent sized sea cucumber. Then nothing. Keep working the area for another 2 hours as Todd and Randy motor out and back.

I decided to give up and go troll deeper for a rogue YT, but figured one more loop/drift was in order. Start slowly moving when I look back and realize the heavy rod is bent in half. Thought "crap, I'm hung up" and proceeded to reel down on it till I was vertical. Still thinking I'm snagged, I give a little tug, only to feel it tug back. Then it takes a little run and I know its big and flat, but still thought it might be a ray. Kept the drag loose as it shook a bit, then tightened up a little and started getting it up.

Once off the bottom it came up in short order. At leader, I couldn't see it but I backed off anyway. One little run, then I got it out from under the boat. Got real excited when I saw it was a big halibut. Two cross body gaff shots missed but the third hooked behind the gills, but not deep. Amazingly, it didn't go ballistic so I quickly reached down and grabbed it by the gills.

Re-set the gaff and saw the main hook deep with the trap treble well stuck in the lip...this gal's not going anywhere. Got two stringers through the mouth just for insurance, ripped some gills to start bleeding out, and hopped on the radio to inform Todd that I had one and thought it over thirty, maybe pushing forty.

Then it goes apeshit and almost pulls me over.

Quit chatting and pulled out the attitude adjuster. A few good louisville slugger T-bat whacks later, she's pretty mellow. Met up with Todd and Randy and they were nice enough to play photobeyatches, in exchange for lobster bait.

Todd says "Lift it up more". Now I'm sure it's pushing 40.

Great pics Todd, thanks again. Did the super mega happy paddle back. Had to call my friend Joe since he's been giving me all kinds of shit from the east coast now that the striped bass run is in full swing there and YT have been no-shows here. Landed in no surf, which was good with all the weight up front and the hatch ajar. On the beach with Todd and Randy, we grab my spring scale and start to lift. I see it pass 30 before I have the thing half off the yak. It hits 40 as I get it ready for the lift, and passes 45 with the tail still on the yak. With Todds digital it settled on...

48lb 3oz :shock: :shock: :shock:

Unbelievable! Ken pulled up shortly thereafter, now he knows he has his work cut out for him. :twisted: .

BTW, this was the first trip down to the shores with the new ride. Great way to break it in and get it all fishy.

I am still in awe of this fish. It didn't put up much of a battle but still, wow. As I was filleting it I would spontaneously break out into bouts of "holy $hit, I can't believe this fish" like I had touret's. Got an obscene amount of meat off of her (full of roe, bummer). Anyone got any good recipes for THICK halibut fillets?

I'll be fishing for rockfish tomorrow :roll:
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