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Old 10-01-2012, 06:10 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by steveooo View Post
All this internet tough-guy talk about hurting guys over a few silly lobster? Id say that 2 things pretty high on my priority list when I go fishing are:

1) Don't get hurt- Make sure I come home safely to my family.
2) Don't hurt anybody else- Make sure they come home safely to their family.

Maybe the 2nd one isn't something that I actually think about when fishing, but its got to rank pretty high in the realm of just being a decent human being, right?

Do you remember this post, where I actually had a little faith restored in humanity, and the BWE kayak community?

Now you guys are all ready to grab torches and pitchforks and start lobbing bricks and jigs at people underwater? I certainly hope you guys don't need lobster that bad.

Plus, I'm allergic to lobster, so I think its gross
Steve, I tend to agree with you on just about every topic, I even do here. But, one point should be added, let's call it #3

3) Don't steal ANYTHING from any of the other sporting people anywhere, or just don't steal at all.

Divers who check nets, are not only disrupting a crawl that may reward a kayak hoopster for all of his/her hard work, but how about the divers being decent human beings too, and stay at least 10 feet away from our nets? They certainly can cover much more bottom than we can.

No, I don't need lobster so bad that I have to injure somebody. But, do they need lobster so bad that they have to poach?

I've not seen kayak hoopsters hurt anyone, but I've definitely seen divers go directly to nets (mine and others), and who knows what they are really doing there? Definitely spooking lobsters close by my net. Poaching, aye, maybe that too.

Respect for each other is the way to go, but not all divers get that message. Some kayakers don't either, but that is usually in regards to areas other than poaching one's bugs.
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