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Old 10-01-2012, 05:22 PM   #31
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 53
Originally Posted by steveooo View Post
All this internet tough-guy talk about hurting guys over a few silly lobster? Id say that 2 things pretty high on my priority list when I go fishing are:

1) Don't get hurt- Make sure I come home safely to my family.
2) Don't hurt anybody else- Make sure they come home safely to their family.

Maybe the 2nd one isn't something that I actually think about when fishing, but its got to rank pretty high in the realm of just being a decent human being, right?

Do you remember this post, where I actually had a little faith restored in humanity, and the BWE kayak community?

Now you guys are all ready to grab torches and pitchforks and start lobbing bricks and jigs at people underwater? I certainly hope you guys don't need lobster that bad.

Plus, I'm allergic to lobster, so I think its gross

x2. Good on you Steve. All this peacocking over bugs. Let them know what's up and move on. Talk is cheap, doubt anyone would actually drop a brick or iron on a diver, if you do for the sake of a're probably more of an idiot.
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