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Old 05-01-2007, 08:51 AM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: 1-2 miles off the point
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May Day 5/1 Seal Beach

I had the family up here for the weekend. On Sunday we ate lunch at Ruby's on the end of Seal beach Pier and I could not help but notice the ankle slapping surf near the jetti. Decided to check it out this morning. don't have my truck up here just the van, so I stuffed a Mini X with 2 flushmounts from the rental fleet in the back and took a 6 and 12# rig along. A quick 5 minute drive and I unloaded right off the sand on dolphin street and parked around the corner. 50 yard drag to the waters edge. Scarey surf eh?

Regretted not bringing the sabiki as there was balled up bait as soon as I hit the water. Very fishy the whole time, scattered and balled up bait. The not even barely cudas were in abundance, managed a small calico on plastic and a sandie on the krock. this spot holds some serious promise, wish I could fish the upcoming grunion run, but not likely. Off the water at 8:30, showered and open for business at 9 AM.

Big question today is should I wear sandals to work or go barefoot

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