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Old 08-09-2012, 04:05 PM   #1
The Freediver
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 89
Fishing tomorrow in Cabrillo...

I'm going to be fishing and targeting halibut primarily tomorrow at sunrise or so. Is there any launch area for kayaks around there so I can launch without paying and be able to be close to the bait dock at the Northern end of LA harbor?

Also, if anyone is out there tomorrow around the same time and wants to say hi I'm in an orange Ocean Kayak Big Game. I don't normally post like this online since I'm more of a loner when it comes to kayak fishing but thought it would be nice to share reports on the water perhaps and meet some new people. I've been freediving for so long I have been out of the rod and reel scene for the most part but my love for it has come back after pulling on some nice halibut lately. Anybody who wants to stop by and say hi please do. I shouldn't stray too far from the ramp and Angel's Gate since I have to work in the afternoon.

Mmmmmm, smoked Barracuda!
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