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Old 08-03-2012, 04:36 PM   #41
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I'am bringing hamburgers,hot dogs,hot links,and brats.I have not seen anyone offer to bring ribs,chicken,potatoes, or corn on the cob. But does that mean there won't be any?Someone said they were going to bring some fish but will they?And I have no idea how many people will show up.

If I do this next year there's going to be a non refundable fee this way we know how many people will attend and we can plan a little better.I'am thinking of BBQ a whole pig and have the sides catered.

So it's your call on what size rig to bring.And I don't think you should have man the BBq all day so bring your yak.

If we have plenty of food maybe we can eat at 1200 and then again between 4-6.

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