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Old 08-01-2012, 07:44 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
I used to fish Todos Santos quite a bit back in the days, based on my experience your gear should be OK. The fish down south tend to fight a little harder than the ones up north, combine that with the seals that will go after every fish you hook and you're in for a hell of a ride.

When we fished there we also did quite a bit of rockfishing for sheepshead, ling cods and the usual vermillions, snappers, etc. Again, for whatever reason the fish down there were a little more agressive and gave us a run for our money. When I first started fishing Todos Santos and the surrounding areas I used gear similar to yours but as I got familiar with what the area was like I went to smaller gear and that made it funner (quoting my nephew).

Bring some extra squid and definately bring a squid jig(you never know). Also, use whole squid if you fish the bottom, the panga may have dead squid on board but they usually end up cutting it into really small peices, I prefer whole squid.
I will make sure to stop by seafood city and pick up 3 lbs of squid.... Im gonna stop by the market in ensenada and pick up a few items for ingredients and I'm sure i can score a few pounds of fresh dead squid.... Thanks man.... Hoping for the best....
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