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Old 07-26-2012, 02:30 PM   #15
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jorluivil View Post
3 years later.....

I'm still carry the same Spyderco crossbill. Pretty much looks the same as it did. It's perfect for what I use it for. Love it and I use it all the time.

I've got a good story about it safety wise. A skiff hooping near a local breakwall ran over one of his hoop net ropes and wrapped it so bad it stalled his outboard. When he couldn't seem to get the motor going again I paddled over and found he still the outboard drive up out of the water and was trying to saw the rope off with an old fillet knife. He was using some old stiff 1/2 yellow poly ski type rope with his nets and it had wrapped a bunch of times around the prop shaft and hub. With all the wraps and the thick poly he wasn't making much headway, and drifting in onto the rocks. I opened my knife put the point under the first wrap then systematically cut through one wrap after another rocking the knife edge up curved back to the hub like a pry bar to cut the ropes like an old fashioned can opener. Worked great had it all off in about a minute, and he got his motor back down and started just in time to keep his boat off the rocks.

He offered me money, then bugs but I turned him down, though I will admit I drank a few of his beers.

Slow hooping but I felt like a million bucks. Love that knife wouldn't trade it. Probably should buy a backup in case I ever loose it.

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