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Old 07-22-2012, 06:29 AM   #9
Saba Slayer
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Thanks for the opportunity George

Well Now That You Brought It Up....

A little Summertime Lobster Info

The Department of Fish and Game had its first meeting on June 20th with the Lobster Advisory committee, to start construction of a Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for our Spiny Lobster fishery here in Southern California. Because the latest DFG stock assessment declared the lobster stocks sustainable, NO IMMEDIATE MANAGEMENT RESTRICTIONS NEED TO BE PROPOSED OR IMPLEMENTED AT THIS TIME.

The Advisory committee is made up of representatives from the commercial sector as well as recreational hoop netters and divers. In addition, marine scientists, non-consumptive recreationists, environmental groups, and a federal agency make up the diverse group. Our job is too work collaboratively to produce an FMP that promotes an economically viable commercial and recreational industry, enhances recreational opportunities for both consumptive and non-consumptive uses, minimizes by-catch, collects and utilizes essential fishery information, and maintains the sustainability of the lobster population and its ecosystem.

This FMP is a long process, it will last until 2014. During that time the DFG will be conducting meetings approximately every 4 months. The public is invited to each meeting and is given time to comment during the meeting. The DFG’s website for Lobster FMP information, including dates of upcoming meetings or summaries of past meetings is;

The responsibility of the Recreational Representatives on the Advisory Committee is to keep the public informed and solicit comments or suggestions from our constituency (the recreational hoop netter and diver). There are approximately 30,000 Lobster Report Cards sold each year, so it’s a very large and diverse group. The recreational lobster sportsmen lack a unified group or organization to represent them so we are soliciting your comments in this way.
We need comments and suggestions from the public, and especially all the report card holders on changes or modifications that they feel need to be made to the lobster fishery to keep it sustainable. (It works so don’t fix it is a valid comment).
We also need comments or suggestions on measures (rules or regulation changes) that you think should be enacted in the event of a collapse or heavy decline in the resource. For Example...Raise the carapace size or lower the bag limit, etc.
Please contact any of the Recreational Fishing Members on the Lobster Advisory panel with your thoughts or suggestions. Our next meeting is August 1st at the Los Alamitos Office.

Jim Salazar L.A and OC Hoop-netter
Al Stasukevich SD Hoop-netter
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