Thread: CDM Kelp 7-14AM
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Old 07-15-2012, 08:30 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Huntington Beach
Posts: 12
CDM Kelp 7-14AM

Corona Del Mar Kelp from NPH south to the north end of Crystal Cove.
Air temp 66-72
Water temp 65
Swell 1-3ft
Wind light from south southwest
Put in nice and early in the harbor and made my way out to the south. At about 5:30 when I got to the kelp I found big Calicoes coming up through the thickest parts of the kelp mats and feeding right on top, very active. When I moved in close to have a look I found a lot of kelp crabs in the mats. It seems the bass were coming up to eat the crabs. I tossed swim jigs in brown and orange on top for nothing, and slugs in brown bait colors for nothing. I couldn't figure out how to get to them. They seemed 100% keyed in on the crab. I gave up after a while and went to squid and caught a couple of smaller calicoes. The swell wasn't bad, but there were some sleeper sets that rolled through that kept me from fishing as tight to the boilers as I normally like to. Some sun would have been nice as well. All in all a slow day. There was one bright point though. Unless there is some species of fish I've never heard of or seen that looks identical; I saw a small probably 24" yellowtail cruise about 2-3' away from my kayak. Along the outside edge of the kelp just south of arch rock. I was in 30 feet of water. I hope that is a sign of good things to come here locally and not a fluke. Has anyone heard reports of yellowtail this far north yet? I heard from a buddy that some are being caught off of Santa Rosa, but things have not been as good this year as I first hoped they would be.
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