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Old 04-19-2007, 06:15 AM   #1
Nepptune's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Posts: 9
First Big Trip.....

Well this weekend I'm off on my first big trip off my new Tarpon 160i!

I've had my yak for about a month now, but due to workin 7 days a week 18 hours a day for the last few months, have only managed one fishing trip on it 3 weeks ago,on a Lagoon/Estuary up our west coast... Caught a few fish, and got towed around by a 80 odd pound shark for a while, so had a blast, but this weekends planned trip is out off Cape Point to chase some Yellowtail and maybe some rockfish.

I've kitted my Yak a little better too since the last trip, got a make shift livewell, and added a few other bits and pieces, worked out where everything goes and fits, fiddled with tackle set ups etc, anchors, drogues etc.... So looking forward to a good trip out into the great wide Cape Point area of False Bay.
Teh South East wind has been pushing for the last few days, which is great as it pushes the Tail ,Snoek ( A kinda Barracuda like fish that is plentiful down here, and damn good eating ) as well as hopefully some WSB's up against the cliffs and kelp beds, and brings the warm water in too....

So thank to all your guys great posts and suggestions, and help, I've already learnt a bunch from this forum just by reading. I'm taking the Camera and video camera ( both with housings ), so hopefully I'll have a some great pics and video for you guys by the beginning of next week.

Hope y'all have a good weekends fishing, tight lines and stay safe out there.

Mad respect from the Dark Continent!

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