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Old 07-03-2012, 11:06 PM   #39
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Roll Call!

Geez, let's take a walk (or is it paddle - no, peddle) down memory lane.

Jimm H - Was hoping you'd be lurking out there. Thought of you recently given the fresh report of a GW cruising around again. Recall the banter at grey light between you and Tom a day after a shark report years back, i.e., Tom: "If we see something, what should we do?" You: "Paddle fast." Tom: "How fast?" You: "Just faster than Avery - he's somewhere behind us".

Ahh, friends...

Yep, we truly did enjoy a distinct comeraderie back then. As for Johnny Ceviche, I'll never forget seeing him surf a small LJ wave in on his OK SP. It was around 8 AM - think it was this time of year and at least a decade in the past. I was just about to paddle out, and upon seeing Johnny, was concerned he'd pearl given how low his yak was in the water. He didn't, and as he got closer to shore I realized what was up, i.e., he had two large YT's and an even bigger WSB strewn across his bow! Epic Johnny (For those unfamiliar with Mssr. Ceviche, you've a fine Google/YouTube journey ahead if interested). Hey, you out there Johnny? Wonder who else is lurking out there? C-level? Trout? Pat? Al?

Roll call!
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