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Old 07-02-2012, 02:00 AM   #5
Chief Gunner
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Posts: 97
I feel your pain; I had a very similar day out there on Sat. I worked hard, got bit a few times and lost a couple of fish but the worst of it was the overly aggressive big male dog that kept me reeling in the heads off of the big fatty greenbacks I had. I could not shake that SOB...he followed me for quite awhile until he realized that I was not going to give him any more free doggie treats. I wonder if he went and messed with anyone else, he's not shy and will come right to the PA or Yak chasing your bait.

I still had a blast though and I'm still feeling the sunburn on my lower legs because I lost my sun block launching at gray light. I dunno if it was me but it seemed like the surf was higher than normal and the timing was a bit off between sets. I got a hella workout launching my PA.
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