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Old 06-30-2012, 08:25 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Fiskadoro View Post
We've had these issues up in LA for years now especially with some in the Malibu crowd. Over the top reactions to posts, internet stalking, blatant aggression, threats, verbal altercations at the launches, even car vandalism.

I've only posted here for a few years, but in that time period I've seen the same mentality gain momentum here, often instigated by the same people or friends of theirs in the kayak scene. It's a real drag. Though these guys like to pretend they are the only "real" fisherman. You kind of have to wonder why these people even frequent boards if they are so anti the exchange of even the most basic fishing information.

It's great to see BWE take a stand on this. I hope it has an effect.

When I saw Scallywags deep hole/ Malibu report my first thought was: "Oh man he's really going to get it", and the second was "Great Report". Shame that first thought and it's related cynicism even entered into the equation.

I've been a member on another San Diego Fishing site since 2001 and through the years there have been many that have thought they could out fish anyone and everyone. Some of them probably could out fish many and all, but I have never seen that site get to a point where people have threatened others with fighting or any of that.

I have noticed that some in the Kayak fishing world have almost adopted that old skater/surfer mentality of, "this is our water you can't fish it unless I say so." Also there are those that if they don't see you holding a YT,WSB, or Halibut from your Kayak then you are not worthy to post up fishing information, tips, or tricks. Just because I haven't caught any YT or WSB from my kayak doesn't mean I don't know how to fish or anyone else for that matter. I have helped many catch good amounts of fish, and of good quality over my years of fishing.

Thank you BWE for taking this stand, and I think the only way this site is going to get back to what many of us remembering it to be like is if we all work together to make it the best Kayak fishing site out there. This isn't BD Kayaking, it's BWE.

Now, can we all just go catch some and just get along?
No better time than being on the water,

God Bless,

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