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Old 04-12-2007, 07:11 AM   #5
Nepptune's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Posts: 9
Hey guys

Thanks a bunch for the replies and the info.
Chris thanks for the PM, some great info on there, appreciate it!

Regarding the spinning reel set up.... I mainly fish conventional reels, a calcutta 400 on a 7 ft St.Croix Casting stick, with 30lb braid, and on another stick, a Diawa Sealine with 30 pound Mono.... The Sealine is set up on a Penn "boat stick" ( can't remeber the model ) with I guess I'm use more for bottom fish, and baiting..... But its light enough to throw a plug too....
The reason I wanted the spinning reel, is that truthfully, I enjoy fishing them, and the speed with which I can flick lures a long way, especially from a seated posistion, as well as being able to use it in rock and surf applications to fishing our rough coastline with leadheads and such.... getting an overwind on a conventional reel in these spots means bye bye to whatever lure and a good 100 yards of line you've got on as it'll just got washed over the bricks while you unpick the birds nest.... no fun... The Stella has the right sorta line cpapcity and drag power to handle this so...... I also carry a 7 ft St Crois spinning stick, with a Fin-nor 4000 inshore spinner, which I use for bait and light tackle apps...its spooled with 20 lb braid... Great set up, but I kinda want something about 2 steps up in strength, so thats basically the rod I'm looking for...

Thanks for the info again, and for the offer to fish with y'all. Def try take you up on that. Hopefully one day I'll be able to return the favour if anyone is ever down my way, we can go trolling for GWS with Seal poppers!!!

Anyway, here are a few pics from my fishing over the last year or two....No yak fishing pics yet, but they'll come soon!

All these fish taken on Fly wading the unbelievable flats of Seychelles outer Atolls.

My best GT( Giant Trevally - Caranx Ignobilis ) of the trip... 98cm fork length, estimated around 65lbs

Bohar Snapper

Another nice GT

And the release

Some Bones

The bonefishing here is so ridiculous, that catching over 40 bones in a mornings fishing is nothing special.... At one stage myself and my oldman, fishing side by side in the middel of a flat, noone else in site, went 22 casts for 22 fish each.... Thats 44 bonefish without a missed cast....Seychelles is Nirvana folks, if you like shallow water thrills, big fish, remote locations, and exotic species!

Here is a Grouper I pulled out a hole on one of the flats:

And a few more GT pics:

Here is one of the exotic targets on the flats.... Triggerfish! These buggers tail like Permit and eat crab flies, but can be incredibly tough to take, and doubly addictive to chase!!! Check the teeth... often times you see them eat your fly, again and again on one retrieve but you just can't hook up.... then you look at your fly and you see that your Gamakatsu SL12s has been turned into a ball of crumpled steel by those dentures!! Fun stuff!

Releasing a Bluefin Trevally. Check those colours, thats not an adjusted picture!:

The largest GT taken on the trip, by Garth Wellman, 116cm Frok, estimated at over 85lbs:

One of the many Milkfish taken opn the trip. These are without a doubt the hardest fighting fish on the planet! Picture a Bonefish mating with a Tuna, then aquiring the acrobatic skills of a Tarpon, and the speed of a Wahoo.... Add to that they only eat Algae, and they make for a pretty tough quarry!

And here is a shot of my best Tarpon to date, taken in Garnd Cayman, the beach, then transferred to a boat, on a Mirrolure Top Dog and casting stick:

And some Pics of fishing down here in Cape Town:

Some from up our East Coast:
Getting bent by a Garrick ( Leerfish )

Old man's Black Mussel Cracker.... These fish are about as tough as it gets in the Rock and Surf environment... Nice one Pops!

Got a stack more fresh water stuff too, but I'll leave that for another day!
Hope y'all enjoy the pics, cause I really enjoy seeing all of yours!
Thanks again for the warm welcome, mad respect to ya from Africa!
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