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Old 06-11-2012, 02:10 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by GregAndrew View Post
Getting carried away on either side of this has nothing but entertainment value. Suggesting that the guy said he gave away (you donate to charity) a 100# Halibut is about as true as suggesting that asking for more proof than a newbies word is the same as some petty jealousy. In this day and age, the proof is in the pictures (I know about Photoshop etc. but the tech guys tend to work those out anyway). To make these kinds of claims and attribute it to a specific product brand, you better have some proof or reputation preceeding you or expect to be grilled.

That some people choose methods tailored less for numbers than for size does not mean that they are unable to ravage fish populations, just that they choose not to. I personally admire Halibut fishermen that take steps to avoid catching short fish. And claims of what used to happen in yesteryear do not necessarily hold any water on what can happen today.
Greg, he didn't say he gave away 100# Halibut, he said he gave away 100#'s WORTH OF Halibut.
Just want to make sure we have the facts down, I'm not defending either side just pointing out the grammatical confusion