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Old 06-11-2012, 10:41 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie View Post
The proof is in the pudding, we just haven't seen any pudding.
In all fairness.....

Actually he's shown some pudding in the past....

"I cought this fellow off of the red buoy between Shelter Isl and the Carrier parking lot. He took a Mack + small green skirt and Watermelon dodger off of a downrigger"

He was using a downrigger while skiff trolling in the same area for that fish.

If you can read between the lines he's using various classic Salmon downrigger trolling techniques for halibut. He's not the first to do it, and it does work. It's basically the same idea as bounce balling. I've personally fish similar spoons to the ones he describes and caught Salmon threshers and halibut locally with them.

He may be exaggerating slightly, but trollijng from a skiff you can put a lot of fish on deck if you have them zero'd in and they are in the mood. I've had my 20+ fish days fishing halibut. It's not impossible or unheard of.

I think sometimes people get used to fishing one way in one area and they think that's the only way to fish. May work for them but it's just not true.

Just saying...

Now let the lynching resume
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