Thread: Dana Point 6/06
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Old 06-07-2012, 08:40 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by DanaPT View Post
Met up with a BWE member at 4:30 am (I'll let him tell his story). Bait at barge had lively bait that lasted the whole (short) session. Went south from the Harbor to the capo beach area. Big swells in the water + variable wind made for a bumpy day. Needed to have my head on a swivel fishing close to shore. A couple of waves nearly made me $!#7! my waders.

Mostly fished depths between 20-30 ft. Here was the days final count:

2 short halibut
2 Calico
1 sand bass
1 Smoothhound shark
1 leopard shark

Off the water by about 11am. Winds seemed to have chilled the water a bit. I was reading 65 degrees.
It was a fun day out with you yesterday, thanks for letting me tag along. It was unfortunate that the wind chop was a little too much for my stomach to handle

I didn't actually puke but I felt like I was going to and it wasn't the swell it was that damn wind chop that got to me. Next time it's like that I'm picking up some of that Bonine stuff.

I ended up with 2 calicos, a barracuda and a ton of macks in the harbor.

Halloween with any color head and unibutter has been working for me on the bass.

This guy was my PB calico and he put up a pretty good fight so I was pretty proud of him and took a bunch of pics. Though this is right when I started getting pretty sick and at the time I thought he taped out to "16, I was wrong.

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