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Old 04-30-2012, 07:56 AM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: LB
Posts: 17
Thank you for your help.

Nice to be able to put a name to the face. I was the friend on the little mini-x. I have a tandem pro that I like to use but so it happens, I wanted the convenience of the little yak and I didn't want to drive. It was easier to just load it into the back of his truck.

He just picked up that bait tank and a 12v timer for the X-Factor at OEX the day before. Previously, he had a 5 gallon bait tank with the discharge hose going off the side. With the new tank, I had told him to drill out the side instead of the back, but he didn't. It was a big discharge hose and he didn't have an elbow so he left it off thinking that it would drain itself through the scupper holes. Unfortunately, he wasn't aware that the water that was being discharged was now entering the hatch where his new bait tank was. At that time, he also didn't have his timer connected yet so the pump was running full speed at 12v.

He had stated earlier that his kayak felt a little off balance earlier but since he's the only one that's ever been on that kayak, I didn't know what to tell him. We were actually heading out of the bay to hit the kelp bed outside when I noticed that the back end of his kayak was under water. When I told him, he looked back and tried to straddle it to balance himself but ended up flipping it. I had instructed him not to try to mount the kayak yet but he panicked since he's never flipped one before. Initially, the kayak wasn't fully submerged but he must have flipped it about 3 times while in the water trying to get back on it. We kept whistling and trying to flag down boats but none were around. The thing was, when we were trolling there, there were boats coming and going. But during the time of the incident, none had passed through. The VA that was heading towards our direction had turned into the harbor. It was then that we saw Greg heading our way.

The story continues with Greg's post and the video.
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