Thread: LJ 3-17-07
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Old 03-18-2007, 07:04 AM   #11
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Four old timers launched yesterday. A combined total of 36 years of LJ fishing. We suck and should retire. We did have fun making bait, we stopped when we realized we drifted into the reserve while still catching bait.

The water is clear and the current is ripping south. This was the perfect scenario, but there's no fish yet.

I did see a yaker on a blue/white prowler lose a BIG WSB yesterday. He pumped the fish to the surface and his gaff wasn't ready. He reached for the gaff and fish turned on him. The length between the head and tail splashes had to be 5feet. The fish swam back down and came unbutton after another 5 minute battle. He said he had it on an iron. Tough fish.

WSB have soft bits in their mouth, this kid was strong... maybe too strong... maybe not. I'm a firm believer of 3-4 foot gaffs. A long gaff increases your range and is useful for snagging trash and baloons.
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