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Old 04-09-2012, 06:04 PM   #1
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Eastvale
Posts: 94
Talking First day out on my new Yak

I picked up a Malibu Stealth 12 from OEX Mission Bay just in time for my birthday. I unfortunately did not get a chance to get it wet while I was down in San Diego so I had to wait until I got it home (Rancho Cucamonga). Lucky for me, Silverwood Lake is only a quick 20 minute drive.

Got out of court early today and headed up to Silverwood. I was not planning on doing any fishing but rather, I decided to familiarize myself with the new yak and get a feel for it's stability.

The wind wasnt blowing in Rancho and the weather report showed 5-10mph gusts at the lake so I figured it would be a nice easy paddle. When I got up to the lake..... The wind was blowing. Not really bad but just on the verge of some whitecaps in the main lake. I launched anyway and paddled out.

I had a big grin on my face the whole time. The yak is surprisingly stable and quick. I wanted to try standing and was able to hop up on my feet and "walked" back and forth on it with NO PROBLEM. (Im sure most of you can do this on your yak too but dont rain on my parade okay?)

Next was the flip it over and self rescue practice.... No problems here either. Very easy to flip over (get it back right side up) and hop right back on.

Today was great. I was only out on the water for a little over an hour but I feel my little "training session" will pay off big time when I take it to the BIG POND
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