Thread: Lobster FMP
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Old 04-04-2012, 01:52 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: san diego
Posts: 97

If I give those who brought this to the table the benefit of doubt and try to see from their perspective, here's my question ... what is the rationale for this?
We already have a system w/ a size limit that allows breeding. Too much pressure means less legals taken. They're not killed from bario-trauma or release. Compared to fishing - the limit is enforced like crazy. DFG agents have major hard on for checking your boat inside and out during lobster season. People are WAY more careful about not violating lobster laws. And anyone who has gone hooping in the last 5 years knows there are tons of shorts in the areas you would expect bugs. Factors like water temp on bottom of the column and dinophlagylites (sp??) that could be toxic to crustaceans don't need to be discussed at public forums. Uninformed idiots like myself would just be adding more noise to the equation and detracting from efforts to help out the little buggers. Without a logical and clear rationale for the process, I'm hugely skeptical. And I think we have good reason to be.
that's why they call it fishing
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