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Old 04-02-2012, 05:02 PM   #1
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Posts: 196
Newport Harbor 3/31/12

Hit up NPH with a buddy, we were on the water before 10am. As soon as we were on the water, I knew it was going to be a tough day. We had the dreaded opposite wind/current. As a result, the remainder of the outgoing tide produced 4 bass for us. Like last week, TONS of bait in the water. I managed to hook big and small mackerel all over the harbor, but heaviest on the way out of the harbor.

I waited out the rough morning for what would be better conditions with the incoming tide in the afternoon. My plan worked, I managed another 7 bass in a very short amount of time in the afternoon when the current and wind lined up nicely. Of my 10 bass for the tough day, 6 spotties and 4 calicos.

One of the spotties landed had crab parts in his mouth, I snapped a pic to see if I can get a swimbait or other creature bait in that color for future trips.

Here's a shot of the hardest fighting bass of the day. All fish released for another day...
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