Thread: BBQ trout?
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Old 03-31-2012, 06:39 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by min-va View Post
Ok, i am having a BBQ this weekend, a friend asked if i can catch some trout....
But in fact, i never catch a single fresh water fish...

So my plan is to go Irvine lake to catch my first trout, i did some research online here and there, but to avoid skunk, i need some more information about this.

I am going to bring one rod only, i have a lot of saltwater setup, but guess they are way too heavy, my lightest setup is a spinning reel setup with 8lb line.

I saw people likes to troll rapala CD5/7 and powerbait.

Basically i have no question about trolling rapala, just like i troll in the bay for sw bass, right?

For powerbait, i think i am just going to add split shot and small size 6 hook, and let it drift?

Or you guys have any other good advise to help me catch my first trout?......
My go to Trolling baits for trout are In-line spinner roostertails, and gold cast masters, those never fail, they will catch trout.

If fishing bait, try a combo of Rainbow power bait on a treble hook and add either a night crawler, or pink power worm, and add some trout scent to it. Sounds like a lot to do, but it works, and don't be shocked if you hook catfish with this setup also.

As for BBQing trout, they are in the salmon family so some of them you will see that pink meat like salmon. Research the ceder plank BBQ method, you can even throw them right on the grill scaled, gutted, but leave the skin and head on. Grill for 15 - 20 minutes on medium heat. Below is a link for some more Trout cooking options.,1-..._trout,FF.html
No better time than being on the water,

God Bless,

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